About Bioethical Services of Virginia, Inc.
Bioethical Services of Virginia, Inc. (BSV, Inc.) provides applied ethics programs and services. Our services include educational programming, case consultation, as well as policy development and review. We work with a wide variety of organizations -- primarily within health care -- but also with other private industries. BSV, Inc. was established by Dr. Michael Gillette with three primary objectives:
• Provide assistance to health care providers, patients, and families when they face difficult ethical issues and troubling health care decisions.
• Work with hospitals; hospice providers; long-term care facilities; mental health systems; facilities supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities; community providers of mental health, ID, substance abuse and prevention services; and many other health care providing agencies in order to bring about an environment that is receptive to the discussion and consideration of ethical issues.
• Provide educational programs for a wide variety of groups and organizations around the country to help people become more informed, more thoughtful, and more skilled at identifying, analyzing, and resolving the types of practical ethical issues that they encounter in their actual work.